News Article
Auditions announced for "Smoke on the Mountain"
Published on: November 3, 2014
Auditions for "Smoke on the Mountain" will be at Winder Cultural Arts Center on December 8-9, 2014 from 7:00 until 9:00 (Monday and Tuesday). The show opens at the end of February, 2015.
Actors ages range from 16 up; individual ages will be based upon ensemble casting as the majority of the cast is from the Sanders family. Age ranges are listed on the individual monologues. All cast members sing except for June, and she "signs;" therefore, auditions will include group and solo singing. Actors may choose to perform one additional solo if they wish, but this is not required. There will be an accompanist at the auditions. Although June does not sing, she makes up signs for all the hymns and should plan to include "signing" in her audition. Some cast members will play a musical instrument, so they should bring their instruments to the audition. (guitar, bass, fiddle, etc.) Musician/actors will not be paid for their performances in this show since they will be considered actors, not accompanists. Any questions, please contact Elinor Hasty (Director) by e-mail at
Monologues are not expected to be memorized for the audition, but should be well rehearsed. Actors are encouraged to audition for more than one role. Audition monologues and music are available by e-mail from Elinor at the address above or from Pam Veader at If you need a hard copy of the audition materials, you can pick it up at Pam's office at State Farm Insurance at 41 S. Center Street in Winder (770-867-1679).
Please bring a current photo and a list of any schedule conflicts during January and February. Rehearsals are held on Monday, Tuesday & Thursday nights.