News Article
Drama Camp 2018 Instructions
Published on: April 10, 2018
Drama Camp 2018 sign up instructions:
Two weeks of Drama Camp will be held during June. The first week is June 11-15, and the second week is June 25-29. Children ages 5 (must have completed kindergarten) through 9 will attend the morning session. Children ages 10 to 14 will attend the afternoon session. The two weeks of camp will be identical so each child can only attend one session. This year the signup information for Drama Camp will be different from all previous years. Since Pam has retired, we can’t use the State Farm office on Center Street, so this is what we are going to try. Drama Camp will be $35 per child for the 2018 camp, and this will include a t-shirt, a daily snack, and all supplies. Before your child can be registered for camp, we will need both the payment AND the registration forms. Registration will start on May 1st. The information below will give you the choices for both of these items.
Payment: (1) online at (Starting on May 1st click on the red ticket on the home page for online sales)
(2) by mail to WBCT, P O Box 1720, Winder, GA 30680
Registration forms: (1) print from the online forms at (click on the Children’s Playhouse Tab and choose the document to print)
(2) request the forms by e-mail to
(3) request the forms by mail to WBCT, P O Box 1720, Winder, GA 30680
If you pay for drama camp online, you will still need to complete the registration forms and get them turned in ASAP in order to get your child completely enrolled. We will have a locking mailbox attached to the ramp at the theater entrance so you can drop off your forms/payment at that location if you don’t want to mail them in. The mailbox will be located on the landing in the middle of the ramp in the corner before you go up to the door.
Registration for camp is on a first come, first serve basis so be sure to get your payment and forms turned in on time. We will use the date and time stamp for online payments, and the postmark date on mailed items to help in the registration. Just remember that you must have the payment and the forms turned in before we will register your child for camp.
If you have any questions, you can contact Pam Veader at or on her home phone at 770-867-6193.