News Article
2021 Theater Reopening
Published on: September 4, 2021
Dear Theater Supporter,
Winder-Barrow Community Theatre is so excited to present the world premiere of “The Miss Magnolia Senior Citizen Beauty Pageant” in October. This show is a brand new show and is the third in the “Four Old Broads” series by Leslie Kimbell. The four ladies (broads) will be coming back on stage to present you with another hysterical show directed by Léland Karas. We will be presenting the show for three weekends because of limited seating for each show. Dates are October 8-10, 15-17, & 22-24. Friday and Saturday nights are at 7:30 pm, and the Sunday matinees are at 3:00 pm. This is NOT a Season Show so everybody will need to purchase a ticket for $10.
In order to protect our cast, crew, workers, and YOU, the following Covid 19 measures will be in effect for the show. Please take a minute to read these so that you will be prepared when you arrive.
(1) Masks will be required to enter the facility.
(2) There will be a limit of 100 people inside the theater at each show.
(3) ½ of each row will be blocked off to help keep people spread out throughout the theater.
(4) There will be NO Concessions served.
(5) Ticket sales will only be online at our website or by mail (WBCT, P O Box 1720, Winder, 30680). There will be no paper tickets so you will be checked off a list of ticket purchasers as you arrive.
(6) When you arrive you will be routed to a large room on the lobby level where you can spread out and wait to be escorted upstairs to the theater. People arriving in groups can sit together as a group.
To expand on the ticket purchasing information, as of today we haven’t received permission for the City of Winder Customer Care Center folks to sell tickets for us. If this changes, I will let you know. If you prefer to send your check or money order by mail, be sure to do that early enough so that I receive the order so you will have a place to sit. We don’t plan on selling any tickets in person at the theater so you must purchase your tickets in advance either online or by mail. Of course, if things change as we get closer to the show dates, you will be notified. If you do plan to purchase by mail, it would be helpful to me if you send me an e-mail with your name, the date you want, and the number of tickets and a note that you are mailing the check. That way I will be able to hold your seats while I wait for your check.
For online tickets you go to our website at On the home page there is a red ticket on the right, and you will click on the “online” link. It will take you to our show date ticket list. You MUST choose the date you want to attend and then complete the necessary information. When you have completed the purchase, you will receive a confirmation. If you don’t receive a confirmation, then you have not purchased tickets. There will be a service fee for the use of the credit card, and it is $2.00 per ticket. You will also have to agree to the Covid-19 waiver which is required if you are entering the theater.
Season Ticket holders who hung in there with us during the Covid closings, you will be receiving the 2022 Season in place of the 2020 shows that you were not able to see. The 2022 Season will include “Addams Family the Musical”, “The Last Round-up of the Guacamole Queens”, “Almost, Maine”, and “Nana’s Naughty Knickers”. I think you will enjoy each of these shows, and we look forward to a “regular” year next year. Season Ticket brochures will be available at the October show if you want to have all of the show information on hand. You can also see it on our website.
I am sorry for the length of this e-mail, but there was a lot of information that you needed. If you have any questions about anything, please let me know. Tickets are on sale now.