Tom Heagy

Tom is a "seasoned veteran" (a.k.a. Old Guy) that has been on and off the stage for nearly 3 decades. Since moving to Georgia in 1994, he has performed on stage with a variety of theatre groups in Lawrenceville, Duluth, and Winder. He is very happy to call Winder his current theatrical home. The people and venue here simply can't be beat so he's willing to drive the 40+ minutes to and from the theater in order to participate. Recent shows in Winder include "Much Ado About Nothing", "Bus Stop", and "M*A*S*H". In addition to theatre, Tom enjoys building furniture, fishing, playing baseball, and piloting himself and his wife around the country. In his "spare time", he works in the computer software industry as a project manager.
- Ugly in M*A*S*H — 2008
- Dr. Lyman in Bus Stop — 2009
- Dr. Cyrus Norton in Terror By Gaslight — 2011
- Signior Benedick in Much Ado About Nothing — 2012
- Giles Ralston in The Mousetrap — 2013
- Quince in A Midsummer Night's Dream — 2014